Monday, May 15, 2006


About the Boat

About the Laser II

An exciting 2 person dinghy with spinnaker and trapeze, the Laser II is famous for it's affordability, and has a cult following amongst students, and real people of all ages, looking for the cheapest way into international racing and fun sailing.

The boats, sails, and all parts thereof, are all manufactured by one builder, Vanguard USA, so the competition is between sailors, not wallets.

The boats and equipment are also of extremely good build quality, it is not unusual for boats over ten years old to win international championships, and sails are tough enough to last several years of hard use. This allows for cheap secondhand boats that will lose little, or no value at all.

The Laser II can be towed behind a small car or roofracked.

Vital Statistics...

Boats in sailing condition have been bought for as little as a pint; racing condition €1,200 - €2,500; International standard boats - €2,500 upwards; New boats €7,335 (15/05/06)

New Boats?

Yes. Performance Sailcraft Europe have handed over the building rights to Vanguard Sailboats, who are currently shipping boats to the UK for distribution.

The Class in Ireland
We're not going to lie to you, the class is going through some 'major restructural re-development' at the moment, so organisation is finding it's feet. But there is a small group of sailors committed to getting the ball rolling again, so give us a short time and some faith!

"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed citizens to change the world. Indeed, it has never been done otherwise. "
Margaret Mead 1901-1978

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